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Winter and the risk of respiratory viruses


With the advent of November, the weather is turning cold in Jordan and most of the countries of the world, which constitutes a quadruple threat to the spread of viruses, including corona, seasonal influenza, and H1N1 swine flu, which spreads more in winter, in addition to other respiratory viruses, while the fourth threat is the start of the emergence of A respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the middle of this month in America and Europe,
where the volume of infection is double, which health authorities must alert to with the high rates of infection among the population, especially school and university students .
The situation is not dangerous so far, and I am not pessimistic, except that the differences that have been observed in terms of injuries are not large, and the percentage did not exceed the expected calculations, but it is subject to increase in the coming period.

We are in a race with viruses, and I do not think that the situation now is dangerous unless it comes unless it is taken into account .
Corona cases are likely to increase in the winter months for three reasons, according to what an expert and consultant for respiratory, chest and intensive care diseases said, Dr. Muhammad Hassan Al-Tarawna, which is that the Corona virus spreads more in the winter months, and the second is that the air is less humid, so that particles that carry the virus can To stay in the air for a longer period, in addition to the nasal membranes being drier and more susceptible to infection .
And as the weather gets colder, people will spend more time indoors, where the virus has an easier ability to spread, given the lack of proper ventilation that would mitigate the spread of disease particles, explaining that all these reasons prompt us to exercise more caution in the winter months, calling for To follow the usual safety guidelines at these times .
Also, the season of the start of the spread of the seasonal (H1N1) virus is in the middle of this month, and therefore it poses a double threat to citizens, if the infection is accompanied by the Corona virus, and thus increases the possibility of pneumonia and hospital admissions .
Especially since in the past year there was no clear exposure to respiratory viruses due to the preventive measures followed during the Corona pandemic, which greatly reduced the infection rates, which may reflect negatively on the volume of respiratory viruses infection this winter
. Providing the seasonal quadruple flu vaccine this year, because it protects against infection by 75%, namely: people of the age group (60) years and over, health personnel, people suffering from immunodeficiency diseases, and people suffering from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, pressure, diabetes, and others. And groups with a high risk of contracting the disease in terms of occupation, workplace, or genetic traits and diseases