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The Jordanian National Coalition chooses d. Muhammad Hassan Al-Tarawneh is a member of the Strategic Committee


The Jordanian National Coalition Party chose Dr. Muhammad Hassan Tarawneh, a specialist in chest and respiratory diseases, as a member of the committee that it intends to form to develop a strategic program plan in light of the next stage and the role of parties in forming governments .<o:p></o:p>

Today, October 10, 2022, the National Coalition Party announced that it was honored to choose Dr. Tarawneh due to his extensive experience in the field of work of the Strategic Committee .<o:p></o:p>

It is noteworthy that the National Coalition Party is the largest party in Jordan, and it is the result of the merger of several parties .<o:p></o:p>

For his part, Dr. Muhammad Hassan Al-Tarawneh extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Secretary-General of the National Coalition Party, Dr. Mustafa Al-Amawi, and to members of the Political Bureau, members of the Central Council, heads of administrative bodies and their honorable members in all branches of the party .<o:p></o:p>

He added: “I thank you for your confidence in choosing me as a member of the Program Strategic Plan Committee for the role of parties in forming governments in the next stage, in our Jordanian National Party, through which, and with the efforts of our cadres of various experiences and fields, within an organized group work, it will follow up and discuss all files on all political and educational levels.” And health, social and cultural, so that we have an active role in the process of reform and political transformation in the next stage, to be closest to the aspirations and concerns of the Jordanian people to give priority to the supreme national interest over all other interests .<o:p></o:p>

He continued: “I ask God Almighty to live up to your good expectations of us and to protect Jordan and its people from all harm. And to preserve the wise Hashemite leadership and perpetuate them with good health and wellness .”<o:p></o:p>